Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nursing History and The Nurse Capping Ceremony and Johnson & Johnson 1949

This beautiful 1949 print from Johnson & Johnson "The Capping Ceremony" is a popular nursing collectible and personal favorite.

Johnson & Johnson has always been supportive of nurses over the years and has produced some of the most beautiful and most cherished nursing collectibles. J.& J. was founded over 120 years ago with the purpose of providing sterile sutures, dressings and bandages. The company has been quick to respond to the the needs of the medical profession and has developed countless new products and continues to be an important part of health care with an ever expanding list of new or improved products.

The support Johnson & Johnson has given nursing is tremendous. The company has provided tens of millions of dollars in grant money to the National League of Nursing and the NLN's Foundation for Nursing Education. J.& J. has teamed up with and lead national nursing campaigns with organisations such as the American Nurses Association to supply recruitment brochures, videos and posters to thousands of high schools and nursing organisations for distribution. They also have provided millions of dollars in grant money the the National Student Nurses' Association and the Foundation for Nursing Education to administer as scholarships to nursing students and prospective facility. Since the early years of  Johnson & Johnson the company has made many beautiful nursing prints, series of prints and collectibles which brings us to this print of "The Capping Ceremony" made in 1949.

The Capping Ceremony has been an important nursing tradition along with Pinning Ceremony since the founding of the first Training Schools. The Capping Ceremony usually took place after six months of training in the Diploma programs and was one of the first, and most important milestones of "nurses' training." After months of "ward" duty and hard work, the Capping Ceremony and the earned right to wear a cap showed the world and yourself that you had been accepted into the folds of the medical field and that you were a "nurse" or at lest well on the way of being one. At the time of this print the Cap was very important to nurses and others at the bedside. The nurses cap at the time, instilled confidence in a sick patient and garnered a certain amount of respect from others at the bedside. The cap was also important to nurses because each school had a distinct one. Nurses could easily identify which school another nurse was from by her cap as well as her pin and it became as we say today her (Brand) as represented by the reputation of her school through her cap.

This print does a wonderful job of capturing the somber importance of the students capping as well as the pride of the instructor and respect shown by the other students. Thank you Johnson & Johnson for preserving a historical time in the history of nursing.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                         Vernon Dutton. R.N.


Johnson & Johnson - The Campaign for Nursing's Future

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things Undone

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It isn't the things we do, dears,                                                               
It's the things we leave undone. 

That give us the bit of heart ache 
At the setting of the sun. 

The medicine forgotten, 
The record we did not write 

The pain we might have relieved, dears, 
Are our haunting ghosts to-night. 

The brow we might have soothed. 

Just in a kindly way. 
The bit of cheery counsel 

We were hurried too much to say. 

The loving touch of the hand, dears. 
The gentle and patient tone 

That we had no time nor thought for — 
With troubles enough of our own. 

The thought we might have taken' 
The tactful way to be kind. 

These chances to be angels, 
Which even nurses find. 

They come in the day and night time. 

Bringing joy and a happy smile 
Where hope is faint and flagging, 

And the heart is sad for a while. 

For life is all too short, dears, 
And our work is all to great 

For sympathy to linger 
And tarry until too late. 

For it's not the things we do, dears 
It's the things we leave undone 

That give us a bit of heart ache 
At the setting of the sun. 

Mrs. Dita H. Kinney

Monday, July 26, 2010

Term "Diet Kitchen" Handed Down from Training Schools for Nurses Still In Use Today

Early  Diet Kitchen Instruction for Nurses 

Diet Kitchen was a separate subject taught in the early Training Schools for Nurses of the late 1800's. Early nurses prepared all meals for all patients and much time was spent learning to prepare special diets  in the Diet Kitchen. The nurses were taught Diet Kitchen by other nurses in the early Training programs until there were trained Dietitians in the 1900's. The Diet Kitchen instruction started with basic cooking the first year and continued throughout the length of the program. From the recipes in the early Diet Kitchen textbooks, the nurses were taught how to prepare an extensive list of complicated diets with wide selections. Extensive instruction was also given for preparing diets for children and infants. Much emphasis was placed on the importance of a healthy diet, presentation of meals and the preparation of  many  deserts and beverages. 

This Graduation Certificate from the Connecticut Training School for Nurses in 1894 shows "Miss Pirce" (Rhode Island) made 5/5 on her "Reports of Diet Kitchen work."  

The Connecticut Training School for Nurses 1894
By 1916 all states had State Board examinations allowing the Trained Nurse to become a Registered Nurse (RN) provided the nurse could pass the State Board Exam. Nursing had come a long way in such a few short years but there was a big difference in what was being taught in Diet Kitchen (all subjects) by the different schools. The American Journal of Nursing was in full swing by this time and played a huge part in standardizing the education and training of early nurses. The AJN, founded in 1900, printed reports from each Training School.and helped the National League for Nursing Education which had been formed in 1912 (later to become the (NLN) and the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses collect the data.

One such report in the A.J.N.that helped standardize the early Diet Kitchen training. 

"The methods of instruction employed in hospital diet kitchens vary to such an extent that it is difficult to find a beginning for the discussion of this important subject. As a rule the superintendent of nurses outlines, in a general way, the course of instruction in dietetics which she desires for the nurses of her training school, but the details of the work and the methods of instruction are usually arranges and worked out by the dietitian who has charge of the diet kitchen. Since dietitians differ greatly in their methods, the instruction offered by various hospitals is apt to be dissimilar, and even in the same hospital methods are constantly changing with each new dietitian. The main object of the dietitian is to give the nurse a through training in invalid cookery and sufficient knowledge of dietetics to enable her to pass the state board examination when she graduates. With these objects in view, we will now discuss some of the methods used to impart this knowledge to the nurse..."
DIET KITCHEN METHODS OF INSTRUCTION By Alice Urquhart Fewell Santa Monica, California. The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Nov., 1916), p 105

Ninety Four years later nurses don't have to cook for the patients.(though we will gladly reheat food in the microwave)
The signs of the Diet Kitchen and early training remain. In the older hospitals that have not been remodeled yet, even hospitals built through the 1950's, you can find the Diet Kitchen. As the cooking for patients by nurses phased out the Diet Kitchen got smaller until by the 40' and 50's the room for the diet kitchen contained only a stove, refrigerator, sink and cabinet space. There are many sayings and phrases that have been handed down since the early days of Nurses Training (after all, some of them have not closed the doors since they opened) but the term Diet Kitchen is probably the most common. Today most older nurses in the hospital refers to any room that has anything to do with patient food as "The Diet Kitchen"

                                                                                       Vernon Dutton, RN

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